Dreams Come True Vest

After snuggling under a previously handmade Suri Sweet Sleep therapeutic weighted blanket and dreaming of weaving a garment from the leftover corespun yarn, The Dreams Come True Vest was woven on a Pampa Loom VESTO with weft and crocheted borders from three colorways of suri alpaca fiber homegrown and hand dyed at Bag End Suri Alpacas of Maine, LLC and spun around a cotton core at Aroostook Fiber Works. The warp is 100% suri lopi yarn homegrown, handspun, and hand dyed at Alpaca Meadows.

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Smart Vest

A Smart Vest handwoven on the smartly designed Pampa Loom VESTO with a smart alpaca on the button! Other than the wood button, this is made from undyed 100% suri cria alpaca fiber homegrown at B I Bar Ranch in Colorado. The warp fiber was grown by Little Bear and Dotsero and the weft fiber is from Little Bear and Cheyenne. The button was wood burned by Marina Rabinskaya of ASheepintheWoods on Etsy. There is nothing like the drape of woven suri cloth!


Pampa Loom VESTO In Action!


My current work in progress uses undyed 100% suri cria alpaca fiber homegrown at B I Bar Ranch in Colorado in the US with warp from Little Bear and Dotsero and weft from Little Bear and Cheyenne. This is the first time I have tried the V-neck option with the VESTO, and I was pleasantly surprised that the angle is perfect for weaving exactly one row higher with each pass of the weft to ensure clean edges on a smooth slope. The design of the loom frame is ingenious!

IMG_1403Fingering Yarn - Little Bear and DotseroThick Yarn - Little Bear and Cheyenne


The Discovery Jacket

My first handwoven design! The Discovery Jacket is the project with which I discovered how the adjustable Pampa Loom VESTO makes possible the creation of a well-fitting sweater jacket with a set-in sleeve without having to cut or waste woven cloth and how relatively easy and quick it is to make this type of garment!

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Video tutorials and personalized support are available to Pampa Loom owners. No prior weaving, sewing, or crocheting experience is necessary. This jacket is made from two kinds of yarn with undyed 100% suri alpaca fiber homegrown at B I Bar Ranch in Colorado Springs in the US. The handcrafted button is from ASheepintheWoods on Etsy. Sorry, the jacket is not for sale – it fits me so well that I cannot bear to part with it!